Sermet Yücel is an experimental physicist. His thesis research purified and polarized ortho-deuterium, a promising nuclear fusion fuel. He designed the magneto-catalysis apparatus that successfully produced ultra-pure ortho-deuterium. Subsequently, he polarized solid ortho-deuterium at 15mK and 20 Tesla fields for use in Laser Fusion. His postdoctoral research measured tunneling rates of 2D electrons trapped on a liquid helium surface. He published theoretical and computational research papers on magneto-catalysis, tunneling, and tunneling times.
Sermet Yücel’s current research focuses on the enigmatic quantum phenomena. He finds Quantum Mechanics incomplete and inconsistent. He believes that a sub-quantum theory of corpuscular motion will replace Quantum Mechanics (of probability waves) as the foundation of physics. He created this site to account for the scientific and philosophical challenges to a satisfactory sub-quantum theory of motion. Sermet Yücel hopes to pave the road to such a theory and propose one.

Prof. Arnold Honig and Sermet Yücel solidifying ortho-D2 into an NMR apparatus for nuclear spin polarization and spin-lattice relaxation time measurement at 1K. Photo courtesy of Syracuse University, Physics Department.